Everything You Need To Know About The CrossFit Open

The 2017 CrossFit Open is just around the corner and this is arguably the most exciting time of year for the sport.  Not everyone can be Rich Froning and make it to the games, but with all levels of athletes able to compete in the Open it offers a great opportunity to build community within your box. We’ve got some fun ideas for you and the team to help celebrate the Open. Check them out below.

  1. The CrossFit Games will announce each new workout every Thursday starting February 23. For some boxes this is a perfect opportunity to have a party. Some gyms watch the announcement, see how the elite athletes perform then give it a go for themselves. Other gyms do a Friday Night Lights set up with scheduled heats, printed score sheets and assigned judges. This gives the 99% of us that won’t make it to the games an opportunity to feel special.
  2. Bring a friend, bring a partner, bring a pet. Encourage your members to bring as many people as they can to either participate in the WOD or to just watch and cheer. When newbies see how well your box runs and the camaraderie between the members they might just take that step that was holding them back.
  3. Celebrate your scaled and masters athletes. Every gym has their fire breathers that everyone looks up to and wants to emulate but most members just want to be in shape and enjoy the community you have created. Celebrate them by awarding prizes for “Most Improved”, “Biggest PR” or “Best Cheerleader”. Getting everyone involved can only benefit your gym in the future.
  4. During the Open the atmosphere becomes more team based than individual. Why not take advantage of that team spirit by handing out t-shirts showcasing your gym? We have a wonderfully designed tri-blend tee that’s comfortable enough for a throw down but sturdy enough that your athletes will wear it the rest of the year.

Even if you suggest a pot luck, hire a food truck, or have a local physical therapist donate their time the increase in community and gym loyalty will spark renewed interest in your box.

Need team shirts to support one of your athletes going to the Open? Click here to start an order.

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